Below are a few Testimonials from jolly nice people I have worked with........
Jonathan Furzey creative director Smart Response tv.
Just Go Holidays
It was great working with Carla for our Voice Over. She had read and rehearsed the script and came back to us with a few questions about how we would like certain aspects delivered in advance which meant the recording session was a breeze,
and she completely aced it. Plus the client was really happy too.
I look forward to working with Carla on the next project.

Adrian Lock founder Deeper Leaders
Carla’s great. My first choice for real play coaching with senior leaders in challenging conversations. Recommended.
Carla was adaptable and easy to work with on all the varied types of genres and styles of artists we did recordings for. Always well prepared and up for a challenge.
Ben Fogg Hunkidory
Carla did a great job with the voiceovers for the VOLTAREN videos….quick, efficient and fun to work with.
Alastair Stuart on STAR COPS MARS 1....
” Adam’s ratchets the tension expertly and it’s a killer ending. He is also gifted with Carla de Wansey’s Dr JULIENNE GRAINGER , the best supporting player of the series to date. Completely honest, fiery, and clever, she is a great foil for Nathan in a way few others manage...”
Tom Hickmore Nice Media..
”You were a joy to work with, and I look forward to working with you again”
Rachael Naylor Founder of the Voice Over Network...
”You have a wonderful voice, the reads you did for us were great, I also liked the choice of music you added. Very well done for editing that. I loved the Gin read, it was brilliant.”
Helen Goldwyn Director at BIG FINISH
” I knew Carla would bring the right authority and humour to the role. I also knew she would be more than capable of holding her own opposite the inimitable David Calder. Sure enough Carla delivered a superbly assured and nuanced performance, garnering glowing reviews”.
Dr WHO Rani takes on the World Revenge of Wormwood reviews
” on the UNIT front Carla de Wansey makes an immediate impact as Major Hadley who is very much a no nonsense, by the book type”
Time review
” speaking of UNIT Major Hadley ,Carla de Wansey, is a great addition here. She is the typical morally grey character representing what UNIT is and stands for.